Guide for Authors

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Download the author's conflict of interest form

Download the extended abstract format (only for authors who receive acceptance)


Guide for Authors

All researchers and authors are asked kindly to read this Guide carefully before submitting their manuscript and follow the criteria stipulated before uploading their article.

Aims and Scope

An academic journal published semiannually, Literary Theory and Criticism deals with general and specialized questions of methodological and scientific criticism and analysis. The purpose of publishing this journal is to investigate and study literary and interdisciplinary theory from various perspectives and publish critical and innovative work by researchers in this field. In addition to critical studies based on literary texts and theories, the scope of this publication includes a review of the achievements in the areas of theory and criticism as well as the ideas of the key figures in this field. This biannual journal conducts research in the areas and on the topics below:

  • Studying the background and philosophical-epistemological and methodological foundations of literary theory (philosophy and literary theory)
  • Introducing literary theories and the paradigmatic and discourse context of their emergence and their classification in networks of theories (Meta-theory)
  • Critically considering the discourses dominating the emergence and dissemination of literary criticism and theory (discourse studies)
  • Revising the thematic principles and stereotypes of criticism and theory in Iran (meta-criticism)
  • Focusing on literary research in Iran, and considering the basics and mechanisms of multifaceted and interdisciplinary criticism (basic knowledge and methodological knowledge)
  • Tracking the trajectory of concepts and terms in literary criticism and theory in Iran (terminology)
  • Presenting the best examples of objective and concrete textual criticism by theorists and theoretical critics
  • Introducing new or lesser-known theories and presenting their potentials and limitations
  • Rereading texts and conceptualizing and theorizing their data and statements
  • Evaluating and systematically analyzing old and new works and texts


Manuscript Guidelines

Instructions for authors:

  1. The name and surname of the author must be provided in full (Persian and English).
  2. The author’s academic affiliation should include the following (Persian and English):

 → Academic and Scientific Rank (e.g., Student/Graduate School/Lecturer/Assistant Professor/Associate Professor/Professor)

 → Academic Section or Related Specialization (e.g., Persian Language and Literature/English Language and Literature etc.)

 → Respective faculty (name of university, place of study or place of work) city, country

  1. When submitting an article, the author responsible for the article may also be responsible for correspondence. Otherwise, the author responsible for the correspondence should indicate which of the authors is responsible for the article. The corresponding author is requested to enter the names of all authors of the article and their information (according to the style-sheet) in the system when registering the article. Please note that all comments and corrections will be sent to the e-mail address of the author responsible for correspondence.
  2. If the submitted paper has been extracted from a PhD thesis (as approved by the Ministry of Science), the name of the PhD student should come first, then the name of the supervisor, and then the name of the other authors.
  3. The e-mail address(es) of the author or the authors should be listed. (Note: Authors who are university faculty members should list their university e-mail address.)
  4. Full postal address as well as postal code and mobile phone number should be given (to receive a hard copy of the accepted article).
  5. Articles submitted to the journal should not have been previously published or be under review in another journal at the same time.
  6. Authors should include details of support (financial or otherwise) from centers and institutions in a paragraph under the heading “Acknowledgments.” This paragraph should be placed at the end of the article, before the list of references.

Article Format

  1. Articles should include title, abstract (in Persian and English), keywords, introduction, a body with specific headings, conclusion, and references.
  2. Article titles should be short and expressive (in Persian and English).
  3. Abstracts should be between 150 and 200 words (in Persian and English).
  4. Keywords should be 3 to 5 words (in Persian and English).
  5. The font type for articles (in Persian) is B Nazanin, size 13, and for English parts, it is Calibri, size 11.
  6. Footnotes should be typed with font type B Nazanin, size 10, and the font type for English parts is Calibri, size 9.
  7. Margins should be set as follows: page size A4, (top: 2.2 cm, bottom: 8.5 cm, left and right: 4.25 cm).
  8. The article should be printed on A4-size paper, maximum 20 pages (no more than 8000 words).
  9. Line spacing is 1 cm and should be set as a “single.”
  10. All numbers relating to tables or graphs should be entered in Persian.
  11. The journal follows the APA (American Psychological Association) method of referencing and bibliography. In accordance with this policy, please note the following points:
    • To give in-text citation, write the year of publication and the page number in parentheses immediately after the name(s) of the author(s). Example: (1350: 25). Or, after a citation, give the author’s last name, year of publication, and page number in parentheses. Example: (Rabiei, 2012: 25).
    • In the case of multiple sources by the same author in the same year, they must be indicated by adding (a) and (b) next to the year of publication. For example: (Enayat, 1349a: 14), (Enayat, 1349b: 150).
  12. Sources (books, articles, dissertations, newspaper reports, websites etc.) should be listed in alphabetical order.

For books: Author’s last name, Author’s initials. Publication year. Title (italicized). Place of publication: Publisher.

For articles: Author’s last name, Author’s initials. Publication year. “Title of the article” (in quotation marks). Journal title (italicized), Journal issue (volume or journal issue): Page numbers.

For collections of articles: Author’s last name, Author’s initials. Publication year. “Article Title” (enclosed in quotation marks). Title of the collection (in italics). Editor’s name. Publisher. Page numbers.

For theses/dissertations: Author’s last name, Author’s initials. Thesis/dissertation title (in italics). Degree and field of study and the names of the university and city.

For websites: Author’s last name. Author’s initials. Date of retrieval, “Title of the article” (in quotation marks). Website name. Website address.


Bordoli, J. M., E. Cuevas and P. Chacon. 1994. “The role of soil organic matter in corn yield.” Plant Science, 15(3):27-35. (Journal)

Mahfoozi, S. and S.H. Sasani. 2009. “Vernalization requirement of some wheat and barley genotypes and relationship with expression of cold tolerance under field and controlled condition.” Iranian Journal of Field Crop Science, 39(1):113-126. (In Persian with English abstract)

Kafi, M., M. Lahouti, A. Zand, H.R. Sharifi and M. Gholdani. 1999. Plant Physiology. Jahade-e-Daneshgahi Mashhad Press. (In Persian)

Steel, R.G.D. and J.H. Torrie. 1980. Principles and Procedures of Statistics: A Biometrical Approach. 2nd Ed. McGraw-Hill, New York. 270P. (Book)

Campbell, G.S. and J.M. Norman. 1989. “The Description and Measurement of Plant Canopy Structure.” In G. Russell et al. (Eds.) Plant Canopies: Their Growth, Form and Function. Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge. P 1-19. (Part of Book)

Food and Agriculture Organization. 2000. “Biodiversity: Agricultural Biodiversity in FAO.” Retrieved January 12, 2009, from (Web site)


For internationally indexed Persian publications:

Bordoli, J. M., E. Cuevas and P. Chacon. 1994. The role of soil organic matter in corn (Zea mays L) yield. Plant Science, 15(3):27-35. (Journal)

Kafi, M., M. Lahouti, A. Zand, H.R. Sharifi and M. Gholdani. 1999. Plant Physiology. Jahade-e-Daneshghahi Mashhad Press (In Persian) (Book)

Steel, R.G.D. and J.H. Torrie. 1980.Principles and Procedures of Statistics: A Biometrical Approach. 2nd Ed. McGraw-Hill, New York.270P. (Book)

Food and Agriculture Organization. 2000. Biodiversity: Agricultural Biodiversity in FAO. Retrieved January 12, 2009, from (Web site)



General structure of the article: It is mandatory to structure the article based on the format below:


Persian Abstract

English Abstract

Structure of the main body of the article

Statement of the problem


Statement of the problem



Theoretical framework



Literature Review



Research method



Findings and discussion








How to submit an article

  1. Authors must upload four files upon submission: 1) The Authors’ Biography File which “contains only the author’s profile”, 2) The original “Word” format file of the article (contains the text of the article without the authors’ profiles), 3) Letter of commitment, 4) Form of Conflict of Interest.
  2. Authors should note that all online forms must be completed. The author’s commitment form and conflict of interest application must be duly completed and signed by the authors, and a copy of them uploaded in the corresponding section in the system.
  3. Articles must be submitted via the journal system at (all correspondence will be done through this method).

Note: In order to facilitate the process of translating extended abstracts of articles that have been approved for publication, and having them arranged in a uniform manner, it is necessary to submit this summary in Persian so that the journal translator can translate it according to the journal’s criteria. It is understood that payment for the translation of the extended abstract will be borne by the author(s) of the article and the author(s) whose article has been accepted for publication will be notified by the journal.

(To get detailed instructions about extended abstracts click here)


Terms of payment of registration fees for articles in the system

Since the 1401 (2022), the journal charges 6,000,000 Rials (600,000 tomans) for the costs of reviewing, preparing, and printing each article. Please consider the following amounts:


How to pay fees and send receipts (click here)

Click here to access the payment page.