The Logic of Literary Reading and Its Place in Understanding Literature

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature, University of Isfahan


Literary ‘reading’ has two aspects: first, approaches and theories, and, second, the logic of reading. This paper attempts to explore the logic of reading, which has rarely been noticed as an independent subject in literary studies. The paper’s research plan includes the following items: 1. introducing reading as a different way of understanding the text’s literariness, 2. studying the current methods of reading, 3. introducing dialectical reading as an anti-thesis to other methods, 4. criticizing the methods mentioned above, 5. explaining the reasons for the rejection of literary reading, 6. explaining the major factors in the act of reading, and 7. presenting a model for the analysis of the processes involved in reading in the course of teaching texts. The main aim of this paper is to identify the value and place of reading in teaching literature, and arrive at a coherent model for the study of the logic of literary reading. Therefore, except on rare occasions, the paper does not consider the development of the hermeneutic theories of literary reading


Main Subjects

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