Subject’s Becoming and Gestures in Rumi’s “Sonnet 1095”: A Phenomenological Reading

Document Type : Original Article


1 M. A. in Persian Language and Literature, Kosar University of Bojnord, Bojnord, Iran.

2 Associate Professor in Persian Language and Literature, Kosar University of Bojnord, Bojnord, Iran

3 Associate Professor in Persian Language and Literature, University of Bojnord, Bojnord, Iran


The present study employs a phenomenological and gestural approach to explore the subject’s gesture and becoming in Rumi’s “Sonnet 1095.” To illustrate the process of gesture as a phenomenon, we define and explain its functions in the subject’s world, then echoing Hegelian phenomenology, we explore the subject’s inner world in accordance with the gestures and their representations. The purpose of the study is to explore the process by which the subject comes into being, identifies its gestures, and moves beyond them. This study presupposes that the subject can only be dynamic through a medium which is the gestic subject (the other). In this regard, it transcends from ignorance to self-awareness. This study concludes that ontology and transcendence are dynamic and require a transcendental becoming of the existing subject who moves through pre-event, event, and post-event states. These three states open new paths toward a better ontological understanding of the subject’s life.
Extended Abstract
In the aforementioned sonnet, the gestic subject mediates the subject’s passage through the three stages of being. In its path of transcendence, the subject consciously degestures itself. In its pre-event state, the subject has no understanding of its being and only starts to transcend with the entrance of the gestic subject. At first, the subject starts experimenting with different gestures. Then, it multiplies as it reaches the event state, which is the unification of the subject and the gestic subject. At the post-event state, the subject restates the event to reach a state of self-awareness through intra-subjective transmission. In this transcendental being, the subject transcends from a state of ignorance to self-awareness. This study aims to answer the following questions: How can gestures in the subject’s internal world be regarded as an external phenomenon? How does de-gesturing form the subject’s being? Through what process does the gestic subject mediate the subject transcendence?
2. Methodology
This qualitative study employs library sources, a descriptive-analytic method, and a phenomenological and gestic approach to investigate gesture and being in Rumi’s “Sonnet 1095.”
3.Theoretical Framework
Subject’s gestures and being are the main concerns of this study. The subject transcends through the process of being and, in each state, identifies its gestures. In this regard, to identify different gestures is to move beyond their literal meaning. To achieve this goal, this study employs Hegelian phenomenology to clarify the conceptualisation of gestures. The similarities between the universe and the human world is what connects these two concepts. Of note here is that since phenomena are a means of understanding the universe, one cannot easily differentiate between phenomenology and ontology. In this regard, the subject must first identify its gestures as phenomena and then, just like a mask, remove them from its true identity. The gestic states of the subject correspond to the dialectical course of the Hegelian subject.
4.Discussion and Analysis
This study is a new approach which regards gestures as a phenomenon. We explored the subject’s developmental course in Rumi’s “Sonnet 1095.” It narrates the transcendence of a subject through a gestic subject (medium). To achieve this goal, one must understand the phenomena. In this approach, we regarded the roles, the lived experience, and the subject’s lifestyle as gestures for they are rooted in the subject’s being and it identifies with them and, at times, hides beneath them. At this point, the subject must sacrifice its gestures. As a result, we employed Hegelian phenomenology to illustrate the subject’s desire to transcend in accordance with the dialectical course of the Hegelian subject.
The Hegelian subject transcends to a state of consciousness and becomes self-aware through an Other. The subject, which Rumi illustrates, acquires the three states of being. In the pre-event, the existing subject denies its current state and enters the next state. In the event, through a mediating Other, the subject becomes conscious of its true being. Starting a dialectical process from the pre-event, the subject moves beyond different gestures and eventually acquires “the victim” gesture which signals its transcendence. Lastly, it enters the post-event. In this state, the subject willingly shares its contemplations with the addressee to create a unified sublime being.
Select Bibliography
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