stain representation relying on the metaphorical "Look" and "Gaze"in the Kingdom that died the cedar trees' novel

Document Type : Original Article


MA in Persian language and literature, University of Guilan, Rasht, Iran


Jacues Lacan's approach to structural psychoanalysis has created a major revolution in the field of postmoderncriticism. The Gaze and Look is one of the Lacan's key ideas. According to Lacan The gaze, shows the impossible desire unconscious. While the eye has a visual nature, it refers to self- conscious. The possibility of seeing the object under the gaze, leaves a stain on the image order that swallow the image every moment and it annoys the subject. Among the Iranian writers, Khosrow Hamzavi's works have a special place. Understanding the position of this author without examination "The kingdom that died the cedar trees" novel from a psychoanalytical perspective it would not be possible. This article examines the novel bassed on the concepts of "gaze", "look", "lost object", "the Other", "object petit a", replication", "stain". According to the results, Jarrir's characters is in the from a watch object, it has a similarly lost object broker. Kian's subject's gaze seeks out somethings that is lost beyond imagery, but the picture below becomes stain. The novel can be examined in terms of the psychological complexity of the characters and Lacan's theory is a good model for studying this work.


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