A critique on Murshid Zariri's Shahnameh Nakkalan

Document Type : Original Article


1 University of Tehran

2 Department of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

3 univercity of Tehran


In recent years, with the identification and correction of Shahnameh scrolls, the view of Shahnameh scholars and writers has changed to a great extent. The findings indicate that the Naqqali scrolls were not just a product of the mind and imagination of the Naqalan , and in some cases, sources of the scrolls go back to the days before Islam or in the Islamic period, before the writing of the Shahnameh, by Hakim Abulqasem Ferdowsi. On the other hand, the language and style of the corrected Naqali scrolls are different from what the narrators performed in the Majlis Naqal, and both cannot be considered from the same group. Therefore, the correction of Naqali scrolls should be done in a completely specialized manner and according to the correct scientific standards so that the results will lead to a better understanding of the scrolls and their sources. Naqalan's Shahnameh, authored in modern times, is considered one of the comprehensive scrolls of Naqali's Shahnameh. This scroll was corrected and published by Jalil Dostkhah in 2016. In this article, the book Shahnameh Naqalan will be evaluated from two perspectives; In the first part, the mistakes and contradictions of the author of the work, Murshid Zariri, will be discussed, and in the second part, in a more detailed look, the correcting method of the work, Jalil Dostkhah, will be criticized.The results of this review show that there have been damages to this book in both the authorship and correction sections.


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