The time of salvation in the Apocalyptic time in "A Stone on a Grave" and "Prince of Ehtjab"

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D student of Persian language and Literature University of Guilan, Rasht, Iran

2 Professor of Persian language and Literature University of Guilan, Rasht, Iran.

3 Associate Professor of Persian language and Literature University of Guilan, Rasht, Iran.


"Salvation" has always been an open and hidden concern of literary works, which sometimes appeared as a well-interpreted ending and sometimes in the guise of life after death. Pursuing these concepts in the two works "A stone on a grave" and "Prince of Ehtjab" shows the separation of the two concepts of "the end of time" as passive apocalypticism, and "the end of time" as active apocalypticism. These two novels were formed in a field full of tension between these two types of time. In "Prince Ehtejab", circular and renewable time grows hope in the heart of the main character; However, in the end, the fate of calendar time in the presence of death destroys his dreams. In a stone on a grave, the narrator accepts the authority of linear time, but he does not seek to confront it with the help of some kind of circular time or qualitative time; Rather, he seeks liberation and happiness in creating a breach in linear time; This breakthrough is manifested in the desire to have children.


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