An In-Depth Formalist Examination of the Theme of "Love" in Reza Mouzuni's Children's Tale "The Ice That Fell in Love with the Sun": An Application of Thematics Theory

Document Type : Original Article


Children ̓s and Young Adults ̓ Literature group,Faculty of Literature and Foreign Languages, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.



"Love" stands as a pivotal human emotion and a prevalent theme in lyrical literature. This study endeavors to delve into the tangible depiction and embodiment of the romantic theme within Reza Mouzuni's children's narrative, "The Ice That Fell in Love with the Sun," employing the introspective methodology of Tomashevsky. In Tomashevsky's view, the thematic framework of a literary piece is a tiered system comprising a collection of micro-themes. At the base of this hierarchy lie the atomic motifs. Indeed, the thematic framework of any literary work is shaped by the interplay of its constituent motifs, with motifs serving as the fundamental building blocks of theme within each work. Tomashevsky posits that the analysis of the theme is inextricably linked to the examination of the motif system and its underlying motivations. "Motivation" is defined as the rationale that validates the inclusion of a specific atomic motif within the thematic theory's molecular system of a literary work. Tomashevsky, in differentiating between fabula and syuzhet (the narrative techniques in storytelling), elucidates the role of each motif about other motifs and its placement within the fabula and syuzhet, categorizing motifs into two distinct types: dynamic/static and free/bound. This analytical-descriptive study seeks to elucidate the functioning of atomic motifs within the molecular system of the romantic theme in the story at hand. The findings of the study suggest that the lyrical thematic framework emerges from the interplay of micro-lyrical themes across both the fabula and syuzhet levels.


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